Other articles

  1. switching your mobile karma

    Miscellaneous update this week.

    I recently got a Rio Karma portable audio player. This tiny thing is great; 20G hard drive, it plays OGGs, and generally is everything I wanted in a portable music player. It did require some extensive ID3 tag renaming, but nothing that couldn't be handled by …

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  2. mac take 2

    For a while now, I've been thinking that Apple has been the only people making a truly inovative laptops. However, I just can't 'switch', as they would say. I need to understand an OS before I change platforms; so I got myself a older 300MHz Blue & White G3

    Now, I …

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  3. thinkpad buttons

    Well, I may not have figured out how to get ACPI working on my laptop yet, but I did find a way to make that useless 'Thinkpad' button work.

    Using tpb and xosd, you get an on-screen display (like the volume thing on your TV) on your laptop screen! This …

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  4. yarrow & laptops

    I've got Fedora Core 1 installed on my IBM T20 now, and it doesn't really seem all that different from RH9. There are some new things that I want to play with; namely the laptop support (supposedly caches i/o things) and ACPI.

    The laptop support will be kind-of difficult …

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  5. windy

    I guess the house will stand.

    Not too much has been going on recently. [Brady] and I got my Ham Antenna (a dual-band Comet SBB-5) mounted on my car last Monday. Now I just need to get my radio mounted. I think I'll mount it in my 2nd DIN in …

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  6. Matrix Reloaded

    Oh; I did see Matrix: Reloaded the other night. I thought it was pretty good (despite what others think). No, the acting wasn't the best, and neither were the fight scenes (physics, what's that?), but it did progress the storyline. Almost too far, though; b/c now all I care …

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  7. what to do when your car won't start

    Jump up and down and curse.

    Then settle down and call the mechanic ;)

    I went down to start my car today around 11:00 (EST, now ;), and to my surprise, it did absolutely nothing! No click, no crank, no noise whatsoever. To make matters better, I couldn't get it out …

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  8. mmm... potato chips

    Yep. So, today was a nice day off just baking potato chips (mmm.. potato chips). Worked a bit more on the deck, too. The edges are all finished now, and we have the 4x4's up for the railing. Steps have been put up since I last blogged, too. Jeez - it's …

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  9. definitely not man's best friend

    It's common knowledge to those in 'the industry' that computers are evil.

    Case in point: my file server, Thor.

    As Sam has noted, it previously had a hard drive die during our Lan Party this past August. Today, it decided destroying data wasn't good enough. It needed to just tease …

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  10. deck underway

    And a good bit done, too. What startet out as a 16'x14' deck is now a 16'x16' deck. I knew 14' deep was going to be pretty large, but 16' is quite gigundus. It turned out Lowes doesn't carry 14' boards, and well, I wasn't going to cut 2' off …

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  11. cvs access and jabber clients

    In case you didn't notice, I now have CVS repository up for some of my projects. Most of them are small, but hopefully useful.

    I've been playing w/ other jabber clients recently as well. I'm currently using gaim b/c I like how it works w/ AIM, but I'm missing …

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  12. re| brady's web page

    In response to [Brady]'s web page, there is nothing special about my photo album software. It's a PHP Photo Album. It's as simple as:

    echo "PHP Photo Album" | perl -ne 'print "$1$2\n" if (/(ph)p photo (album)/i);'

    So there.

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  13. photo album updated

    It almost even works now! Things don't time out (thanks Daniel!), and it looks much better with everything else. In case you're wondering, I called the package 'phalbum', and I should be releasing it soon (once I get viewcvs setup). In the mean time, check out my online photo album …

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  14. new look, once again

    Yes, it's time to redo the look of my website again ;)

    You'll probably find broken links, if you do, please email them to me. I've moved my articles into a database now (finally; the guy that loves databases and still has flat files laying around) and reorganized my downloads, so …

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  15. netmrg 0.10pre2

    Another version of everybody's (well, [Brady]'s and mine anyway) favorite graphing software, NetMRG, has been released! This is mostly a features and bugfix release; FreeBSD support has been improved, Group History Navigation was added, Graph titles and options were added, an user preferences are notable. Enjoy!

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  16. kt400 mobo & ati radeon 9600

    Well, I figured out one reason my radeon 9600 pro doesn't work in linux; the AGP driver doesn't work with the Via KT400 chipset in Redhat 9! Apparently linux kernels < 2.4.21 don't recognize the chipset and won't load the agpgart driver; I'm recompiling 2.4.22 right now …

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  17. no gsm for now

    Yeah; the SE T616 is just too new (so the sales rep says). The best he could do for me was \$219, which of course I'm not paying right now. I guess we'll wait..

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  18. phones - gsm again?

    Back in May I tried out AT&T's GSM service with a Sony-Ericsson T68i. The biggest thing I loved about the phone was bluetooth capability (which goes well with my T|T); but it about ended there. The reception was very poor, the UI was slow and un-intuitive.

    The new …

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  19. the much acclaimed august update

    A lot has happened in the past month; most of it I will probably forget to mention here ;)

    There was a lan party around the 8th of this month (there are some pictures in the Photo Album); there was much fragging all around.

    Tiff and I have continued settling into …

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  20. netmrg 0.10pre1 released

    Even though [Brady] doesn't like the phrase "out the door", NetMRG has been released! It's taken a long time to get to this point, but we're very happy about this release. I hope people find NetMRG to be useful; we certainly have had a good time working on it. What …

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  21. new mobo; same old problems

    I should know by now that installing a new motherboard isn't gonna be simple.

    I picked out the Asus A7V8X (w/ SATA & Firewire) and an AMD Athlon XP 2600+. Seemed like an awesome combo - until I tried to boot. After much unjoy (no POST or screen), I decided to plug …

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  22. married and back from honeymoon

    I guess there hasn't been an update here for awhile ;)

    In case there's any doubt, I'm married now, and got back from our honeymoon a couple weeks ago. Unfortunately, I ended up getting pneumonia, so that kinda kept me down for awhile. I'm finally getting over that, so things should …

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  23. movin' on up.. er.. in!

    This is my first time back online since Friday when I left work. Tiff and I have been moving pretty much all weekend (except for Saturday afternoon/evening when we were at Brett and Ann's wedding). We have a good deal of our stuff in the house now; just need …

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  24. what a difference 3 days makes

    When I was at the house yesterday, the appliances were in, the drop ceiling was in place, the carpet was laid, and the brick was done. I imagine today will finish up the siding outside, and hopefully the electrician will come and finish wiring up the applicances and coax. Some …

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  25. two weeks and counting

    Well, the wedding's getting pretty close. By this time in two weeks, I'll be married. Pretty exciting

    The house is coming along very well. Most of the plumbing is done; all the sinks are in, and almost all the trim work is done. The mason had started also; not sure …

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  26. Moving on the 7th of June!

    Since [Daniel] complained that I didn't update recently..

    The house is coming along great. Hopefully the mason came today and did the front brick (it's been raining about every day for the last couple weeks). I've got vinyl flooring, most of the trim, and cabinets in place. [Brady], [Dennis], and …

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  27. house and wedding update

    Well, the house is coming along rather well. We have siding on 3 sides; the walls have one coat of paint, and the vinyl is due to be installed on Friday. Things seem to be moving well there.

    What I don't like is how much cable looks like it will …

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  28. basic photo album online

    I wasn't sure what category to put this in; It's both code and deals with my life.

    I've gotten a basic photo album online, and it seems to work fairly well. I intend to add more features in the near future (and make it prettier ;) like thumbnail caching; a mid-level …

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  29. It's here!

    It's here, it's here, it's here!

    What? You don't know what it is? The Canon Powershot S45, of course!

    And lemme say; this thing takes awesome pictures. They're so big, and crisp; and the on-screen histogram -- awesome! And the size? Awesome! The smoothness of the lcd? Terrific! (you thought I …

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  30. duo upgrade complete

    Well, got duo upgraded again. This time to RedHat 9. There were some minor difficulties getting services running again, but overall I think things went pretty well.

    AFAIK, the only service currently not running is the MSN Transport for Jabber. I'm not even sure if that affected anyone. [Brady] had …

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  31. house update and info on cameras

    Well, the house is moving along well; I have a second floor now (and some bathtubs - woohoo!). It shouldn't be too long before it's under roof. Getting excited now :-D

    I finally found an image management system that I would like to use, so you all can look forward to …

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  32. annoying morning

    I hate waking up irritated. I mean, it just throws off the whole day. It's 9am, and I'm so irritated I don't know what to do.

    For some background, we have this T1 to a customer that's having problems (taking CRCs) - so I call Sprint to report it. I tell …

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  33. long time; no update

    Well, it's been a long time since I updated this. I've noticed that I often update in bursts; then take a long break (like a month). Not that I'm saying I'm going to change it, but I am aware of it ;).

    Tiff and my house is coming along pretty well …

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  34. win2k sp3 slow boots

    I finally figured out what the problem with my slow booting win2k partition was; it all started after installing SP3. The old drivers for my promise controller were incompatible w/ SP3, and thus unhappy. The old drivers were v 1.60 build 33; to get the new ones to work …

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  35. new handheld

    I've finally replaced my old, kludgy iPAQ. I have intentions on making the iPAQ a car mp3/gps thing (if compaq ever gets off their butts and replies to my email about getting the digitizer repaired). In the meantime, I got myself a new handheld - a Palm TungstenT!! So far …

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  36. new jabber client

    Well, I have a new jabber client (For now).

    Kopete (don't ask me how to pronounce it) is a mutli-protocol KDE IM client. I've got all my contacts re-worked to work with it, but I'm not sure if I like it yet or not. This also means I'll have to …

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  37. death sucks

    I went to the viewing for my High School classmate, Hannah Showaker. I can't believe she's dead; she was only 24, and a great person. To see that, you only have to know of where she died and what she was doing there: she was in Indonesia teaching English to …

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  38. Ham-ing it up!

    Sorry; I promise that will be my only Amateur Radio joke. Brady, Patrick, and I went to take our Technician Class Amateur Radio tests last Saturday, an we all passed! I haven't received my call sign (yet), but I hope to be on the air soon - or at least listening …

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  39. the house saga

    Well, Tiffany and I have been looking at houses in the Cleversburg, PA area (close to Shippensburg). They seem like a deal - I just have to make sure we'll be able to make it. It'll be a brand new house; we'd get to pick out paint, carpet, and everything. The …

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  40. more netmrg fun

    Well, [Brady] and I have been making great strides in NetMRG, which you can follow in the NetMRG CVS Tree. We're working for an 0.9 release - but we still have a number of showstoppers (see TODO).

    We hope to have this done in a couple weeks, but no promises …

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  41. arpdetect released

    After a nice little 3 hr perl binge, I've released arpdetect!

    It's a perl daemon that just sits there and looks to see if the network changed; if it has, it performs whatever actions you've defined for that network. This is very useful for laptops that change networks frequently.

    For …

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