Other articles

  1. Ford Escort

    Sweet! I got myself a 1997 Ford Escort LX! Burgundy! Very nice. I'm going to be starting a page for my Escort with pics. mods, and customizations I add to it. I'll probably get a pic up of my old car, a 1987 Nissan Sentra. Damn that car did good …

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  2. adware

    Alright, so the banner is slightly annoying, but click on it anyway. It'll make us both some cash. And an unlimited amount at that. Whatever on how much a advertiser pays for 1000 ads (usually \$30), you get 40% (about \$12). Each ad is about a minute. If your online …

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  3. main desktop upgrade

    The beast has finally been built. I thought it would be easy, but noooooo. Win95 has to be a pain in the ass. Oh well. It's up and running now, OC'd to 300 (100x3) instead of 266 (66X4). Sweet. Now to reinstall apps...

    Oh yeah-check out the details on my …

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  4. Starting College and Website Updates

    I have finally started college, and already have changed my schedule twice. Not cool. My class list has been posted on my background page, and the download page has been updated as well.

    Other than that, I plan on adding/re-arrangeing some things. The palm and Mp3 pages will probably …

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  5. palm/mp3 pages

    Yes, once again, it has been a very long time since an update. I have finally added the Palm Pilot page as well as a Mp3 page. These Palm page basically contains the apps on my Palm IIIx right now, and why they're there, and the Mp3 page just has …

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  6. Pallm IIIx is nice

    It has arrived! Actually, I've had it for a week, but I've been too busy at work to update this page since (and playing w/ it!). If you want one of these puppies, get one. They are the sweetest thing on the planet (next to my girlfriend, but she's taken …

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  7. Pallm IIIx and palm/mp3 pages

    Well. I did it. I got a Palm IIIx. I think it's a better bet than the Palm V. It's a little bigger, doesn't have rechargeable batteries, and the screen's a tiny bit worse quality, but other than that it's the same. Plus it has 4megs of RAM instead of …

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  8. Nells and Palms

    Well, I finally have a job. Yep. At a grocery store called Nell's Market in Carlisle, PA. I work in the deli section. Fun, fun, fun. I might get a picture up sometime of me in there if I get a chance.

    Oh, does anyone have a PalmV I can …

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  9. Redesign May 1999

    As you can see, this site has undergone a change. Not extremely dramatic, but enough to be noticed. The background page remains, but none of the others do. Instead of a current page, this page will host all updates, and old updates will be moved to the old news page …

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