I couldn't find a "utils.php" script for making it easier to write nagios plugins in PHP so I thought I'd whip one up. This is a combination of the utils.php from CVS I found laying around the web and a port of Nagios::Plugin::Range perl module. It seems to pass all the tests that I found for the nagios plugins range documentation.
* Created on Sep 14, (c) 2006 by Marcel K�hn
* GPL licensed, marcel@kuehns.org
* Ported nagios range checking from Nagios::Plugin::Range
* by Doug Warner <doug@warner.fm>
function detectOS(){
$arr = posix_uname();
return strtolower($arr["sysname"]);
function verifyOS($supportedOSarray){
$runningOS = detectOS();
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
function machineName(){
$arr = posix_uname();
return strtolower($arr["nodename"]);
class Nagios_Plugin_Range {
const INSIDE = 1;
const OUTSIDE = 0;
protected $range;
protected $start = 0;
protected $end = 0;
protected $start_infinity = false;
protected $end_infinity = false;
protected $alert_on;
public function __construct($range) {
$this->range = $range;
public function valid() {
return isset($this->alert_on);
public function check_range($value) {
$false = false;
$true = true;
if ($this->alert_on == self::INSIDE) {
$false = true;
$true = false;
echo " R:$this->range; V:$value; S:$this->start, E:$this->end, ".
"SI: " . ( $this->start_infinity ? 'T' : 'F') . ', ' .
"EI: " . ( $this->end_infinity ? 'T' : 'F') . ', ' .
"InOut: " . ( $this->alert_on == self::INSIDE ? 'I' : 'O') . '; ' .
if (!$this->end_infinity && !$this->start_infinity ) {
if ($this->start <= $value && $value <= $this->end) {
return $false;
} else {
return $true;
elseif (!$this->start_infinity && $this->end_infinity) {
if ( $value >= $this->start ) {
return $false;
} else {
return $true;
elseif ($this->start_infinity && !$this->end_infinity) {
if ($value <= $this->end) {
return $false;
} else {
return $true;
else {
return $false;
# Returns a N::P::Range object if the string is a conforms to a Nagios Plugin range string, otherwise null
protected function parse_range_string($string) {
$valid = 0;
$alert_on = self::OUTSIDE;
$string = preg_replace('/\s/', '', $string);
$value = "[-+]?[\d\.]+";
$value_re = "${value}(?:e${value})?";
# check for valid range definition
if ( !preg_match('/[\d~]/', $string)
|| !preg_match("/^\@?(${value_re}|~)?(:(${value_re})?)?$/", $string)) {
echo "invalid range definition '$string'";
if (preg_match('/^\@/', $string)) {
$string = preg_replace('/^\@/', '', $string);
$alert_on = self::INSIDE;
# '~:x'
if (preg_match('/^~/', $string)) {
$string = preg_replace('/^~/', '', $string);
$this->start_infinity = true;
# '10:'
if (preg_match("/^(${value_re})?:/", $string, $matches)) {
if (!empty($matches[1])) {
$this->end_infinity = true; # overridden below if there's an end specified
$string = preg_replace("/^(${value_re})?:/", '', $string);
# 'x:10' or '10'
if (preg_match("/^(${value_re})$/", $string)) {
if ($valid
&& ($this->start_infinity || $this->end_infinity || $this->start <= $this->end)) {
$this->alert_on = $alert_on;
protected function set_range_start($value) {
$this->start = (integer) $value;
if (empty($this->start)) {
$this->start = 0;
$this->start_infinity = false;
protected function set_range_end($value) {
$this->end = (integer) $value;
if (empty($this->end)) {
$this->end = 0;
$this->end_infinity = false;