Week 31 Year 2007 status update

Made lots of good progress with Drupal modules and permissions setup this week.

I had some problems with the Liquid wiki module not supporting CamelCase correctly, so I had to use some other modules to implement that as well (pear wiki, freelinking, wikitools).

I've setup a default set of permissions to make it easier for project owners to give out edit privileges to various parts of the installation. In addition to project owners and contributors (matching our existing permissions for CVS access) I setup "Wiki Editor" and "Forum Moderator" to make these roles clearer.

I continued work on getting the Mozdev installation profile setup and ran into some road blocks with setting up the default "blocks" as well as the wiki configurations. I'll have to do some more work to get these installing properly.

I began looking into writing a custom authentication module for Mozdev which will sync the CVS users we already have with the users in Drupal and auto-assign them roles for that project (project owner or contributor). There are other projects that already do this, so I'll begin work there - this will greatly simplify the setup required for project owners and the Mozdev staff, so I think this is definitely worth the time.

Bug#13381 is still hanging out, but a lot of progress was made at the end of the week to solidify the lists and make sure they're as accurate as possible. There's some minor things to discuss, but it is pretty much ready for production.

I'll be on vacation from August 4th - 11th and I haven't figured out if Internet access is available or not yet; if I don't respond to emails promptly then I probably won't until I get back next weekend.

