Photos for the last Three Months

Here's a boatload of photos that I just uploaded, in no particular order. You might be better off hitting the main sections and browsing backwards.

The movies are probably in the H.264 codec. Unfortunately, all these photos (and the ones from Ocean City) still need tagged. You'll have to figure them out for yourselves ;)


Hike (somewhere)

Geocache and Hike

Poles Steeple Hike


Brooke Donovan's Wedding

Logan's Birthday Party at Letort Park

Mom's surprise birthday party

Grandparent's Day

Labor Day picnic at the Beechers

Mini-Golf at the Links


Rack painting and prep


Visiting the Shipes

Philadelphia trip to see Joel Spolesky


Inside of Belkin Regulator Pro UPS F6C800

Rigging of the wireless at raffle

Family Photos

Jocelyn, Tiff, and Doug visiting Grammy and Pappy

Warner and Shipe family photos

Random phone pictures and movies


Eating Carrots, Potatoes, and Beef Learning to Stand

Getting her own food

Laying on Mom

Daddy's Sweatshirt

Halloween Outfit

Walking on Clothes Basket

Hanging on while sleeping

Eating a pickle

Camo Outfit

Snugling with Mom

Playing with Patches

Sunday Dress

Tub with Tycho

Sleeping with Mom

Brushing Teeth

Sleeping while holder her rings

