I've got a new phone number thanks to Teliax, Argo, Asterisk, and [Brady].
[Brady] and I both have our new Teliax numbers setup to come inbound via Argo, then get sent to our home installations of Asterisk. This is in anticipation that Argo will have better uptimes than our home networks, and if a call comes in it can get handled by voicemail on Argo whereas if voicemail was on our home Asterisks and they were down, you would just get a unavailable notice (busy signal).
This has brought to front a limitation in Asterisk currently: no remote voicemail (RVM, or Internet Voicemail - IVM). The biggest thing I was hoping is that I could have my sip device in my house, connected to my local asterisk box, connect to a voicemail server that is sitting on Argo so my MWI (Message Waiting Indicator) on my analog phones would light up and I would get stutter dialtone when I picked up the handset and had a message waiting. Unfortunately I'll have to settle for a page and email that I have voicemail for now.
If you need my new home number you can contact me by the usual means. I'll be canceling my Sprint account (and Shippensburg phone number) after I get all our accounts cut over which will probably take about a month.