Mozdev sysadmin meeting minutes for 2008-01-29

Present: davidwboswell (David Boswell), gjm (Gerry Murphy), ericjung(Eric Jung), silfreed (Douglas Warner), tanker (Michael Dosser)

Discussion was held publically in #mozdev

Discussed developer priorities

- Mozdev source code should be publically available now in hovercraft/sandbox/php - admin tools are updated to work with PHP upgrade - project search interface is almost complete; see - starting to track what applications are supported by projects this week

Discussed sysadmin priorities

- PHP on was updated from 4.4.7 to 4.4.8 - Bugzilla now supports UTF8 properly; there were some problems with migrating the data and will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis - CVS hiccup this week that caused the cvs server to max out the CPU - TWS is no longer authoritative for DNS - some private lists were publically available via /mailarchives/ - quick way of putting the site in maintenance mode was implemented for the downtime this week

Staging server migration

- has started making plans for hardware/hosting/VMs - OSUOSL is offering VMs, but doesn't have much disk space currently so that offering is currently on hold - nothing definitive about using mozilla for hosting yet - is still giving disk errors; the /mozdev/ partition may be on its way out - will need to migrate mirror service off the vebzom server

Dealing with newsgroups

- gjm is looking into project and newsgroup creation; should have more info soon

