Mozdev sysadmin meeting minutes for 2008-01-15

Present: davidwboswell (David Boswell), ericjung (Eric Jung), gjm (Gerry Murphy), silfreed (Douglas Warner), tanker (Michael Dosser), buanzo

Discussion was held publically in #mozdev

Mozdev DNS outage

- The Web Stop has had a series of outages that affect Mozdev for lengthy periods - the feeling is that TWS can't be used any more; even for staging - sysadmins will move primary DNS to - secondary servers will be handled by - buanzo offered his DNS servers as secondaries as well - buanzo also offered to handle backup MX; sysadmins feel that backup MXs aren't needed at the moment - we should investiage VMs at various organizations as part of the move - TWS should be notified to no longer serve the DNS

Discussed developer priorities

- Project tagging is live; been spending some time cleaning up various bugs - making preparations for the PHP 5 upgrade; testing, coordinating with POs - up this week is working on a Search engine for finding projects and PHP 5 code updates - moving mozdev code into CVS is going to be a higher priority as it will ease making changes to code on both servers - Google can't be used for finding projects as it doesn't know enough about the problem domain to make finding projects easier

Project tagging policy

- there is feeling that any tag should be allowed that is not inappropriate - Mozdev is worried that a project will "spam" the tag cloud - possibly only show tags with >1 project - this would make the current tag cloud fairly unusable - we will continue to discuss the tag policy on the list

Discussed sysadmin priorities

- updates for service monitoring, spam catching, stats - no real update about the cause of the outage from The Web Stop - the outage seems to be power related as vebzom only has 4 days uptime, was shutdown uncleanly, and was down for \~2.5 hours - DNS zone was fully transfered after the outage was over - servers will need rebooted for maintenance; silfreed will notify POs

Dealing with newsgroups

- gjm looked into the list creation/newsgroup problem and only found that Pete is the only one with the knowledge of the process - gjm also found out that there are only 60 active newsgroups - gjm will check with Pete to gain insight on the newsgroup creation process

Who to call for outages

- davidwboswell will make sure everyone has a copy of the contact list again - tanker offered that he is on call 24/7 for emergencies - contact order for emergencies will be tanker, then others as available - individuals need to ensure they have a copy of the contact list avaialable offline for cases when MD.o is unreachable

Reschedule meetings?

- 7am PST is a bad time for davidwboswell; move to 08:00 PST/11:00 EST/16:00 UTC

