Mozdev sysadmin meeting minutes for 2008-01-08

Present: davidwboswell (David Boswell), gjm (Gerry Murphy), silfreed (Douglas Warner), tanker (Michael Dosser)

Discussion was held publically in #mozdev

Discussed developer priorities

- project tagging is moving along well; the PO interface for editing tags is complete; the user interface for browsing tags (tag cloud and project lists) is complete; the admin interface for managing tags is complete. Tools that are left are an admin interface for managing tags per project and a search interface. - David and Doug will get together on how to best integrate into the site

Discussed sysadmin priorities

- bugzilla sanity check cleanups went well on - bugzilla UTF-8 conversion mostly worked (there were problems with a few records that will need manually looked at) - UTF-8 conversion is ready to go; Doug will handle announcing to POs when downtime is needed - vebzom is running apache2 & PHP 5 - performance with PHP 5 is a bit worse; Doug suggested trying php eaccelerator to make up for the difference - a "final" php 4 version was released to fix bugs but no freebsd port is available yet

Dealing with newsgroups

- no update yet

