Present: Doug Warner (silfreed), Michael Dosser (tanker), Gerry Murphy (gjm)
Discussion was held publically in #mozdev
Discussed developer priorities
- mirror admin interface is complete
- waiting on some more responses from mirrors before switching from
flat-file redirection to new tool
- M.MD.O is updated w/ dynamic content
- next todo is download counters and top-50 downloads page
Discussed sysadmin priorities
- tanker was sick 2 weeks ago; last week was catch-up
- gjm has been on-board since Nov 2nd and is learning the MD.o servers
- gjm has begun to familiarize himself w/ the mozdev servers, the
apache configs, the bugzilla update, and will be looking into
mailman soon
- bugzilla upgrade is ready to proceed
- need to notify PO list about BZ upgrade and schedule a time - Doug
will check with David while he's on vacation
Mailing list update
- tanker thinks this is just leftover from discussing the slow email
- I'll remove it from the agenda