Mozdev admin meeting minutes for 2007-09-11

Present: David Boswell (davidwboswell), Doug Warner (silfreed),

Michael Dosser (tanker), Eric Jung (ericjung), Chris Neale (cdn-work)

Discussion was held publically in #mozdev

Discussed developer priorities (drupal testing, linking to drupal, rollout...)

- Drupal testing went well with the initial bug reporters. Next is to open

up testing to the general project owners list. - Trying to figure out how to build the project nav; I need some way of

determining whether Drupal is enabled for a project to show the

  • Worked on several project list bugs.

Discussed sysadmin priorities (stats, mirror improvements, mailman defaults...)

- Top-50 page stats gathering is almost ready - Mic has had some problems

making the script both fast and accurate. - pagemark project is cleaned; still need to clean up web files. - Should we disable the Amazon server to save costs? Stats are currently

served from there, so that would be difficult.

Requests from users

- remove attachment from bugzilla: looks to already be removed; no one is

sure who did it. - clean out project's repository: cvs is cleaned; web still needs done. - wrong MIME types on mirrors: Doug will follow up with mirror admins. - Tracking user requests: Doug will look into Bugzilla email integration

with the possibliltiy of adding a "support request" component to the


