Admin meeting for 2007-07-17

Present: David Boswell (davidwboswell), Doug Warner (silfreed), Eric Jung (ericjung), Michael Dosser (tanker), Chris Neale, (cdn-work), Brian King (kinger), Dave Townsend (Mossop)

Discussion was held publically in #mozdev

Discussed Doug's developer priorities:

  • Unstarted projects list - receiving Mic's help to implement in production
  • Making progress on blog/wiki/forums - see Doug's post detailing progress

Doug might take a break from Drupal towards the end of the week to look into implementing the next set of priorities: Bonsai , LXR (2096, 4706) , and Subversion

Mic and Ivan have been very busy this week and haven't made any progress on the mirror bugs or project stats.

Dave Townsend was invited by Eric Jung to try to clarify the Firefox 3 secure update questions we have. We were able to determine that:

  • SSL is not requried if updateHash is provided in the updates.rdf and the updates.rdf is signed with a public/private key (see Mossop's user-talk page)
  • is in the same situation Mozdev is since its mirrors only provide HTTP (non-SSL) downloads as well
  • Dave will be providing a tool to do the keysigning (cross-platform) that will be available before FF3 is released that should make it easy to sign updates (maintained by Mozilla)
  • We'll post documentation about how to sign your extension for working with FF3

